Extensive knowledge of the market and problem-solving, that’s our strength.
Ecoratio and Geelen Beton have been collaborating for over 25 years, consistently enhancing the quality of concrete through the use of the right release agents. Both companies prioritize improving sustainability in this traditional market, working toward a better work environment for our colleagues and, ultimately, for society as a whole.
Colleague Wilbert Verburg speaks to Jack Heugen (concrete technician) and Wim Rongen (expert in concrete technology) at Geelen Beton about their partnership and the value of producing within the chain.
About Geelen Beton
Geelen Beton, founded in Posterholt as a producer of concrete, steel frameworks, and floors, has now been in business for 100 years. Over this century, a great deal of knowledge was acquired and the company grew to 500 employees. They dedicate themselves to innovation, sustainability, and robotisation. The perfect match for Ecoratio.
“We have many different product groups”, explains Wim. “For example, wide slab floors with a production of up to 800,000 m2 per year, ribbed floors of up to 300,000 m2 per year, shells and building elements. These shells and prefabricated building elements are often pre-produced at one of our locations, which saves our customers a lot of time”.
Total supplier
“What distinguishes us in the market? That we produce almost everything ourselves. We own the entire production process. This makes the lines short and allows us to solve any problems quickly. We have our own drawing office, and construction, engineering, and sales departments. We produce many of the moulds ourselves, just like the reinforcement and the concrete”, says Wim.
“In short, we unburden the client from design to end product. I think that’s our greatest strength”. – Jack
Manufacturing together in the chain.
Jack Heugen; “Every day, we strive towards producing high-quality products. Our elements must meet the high standards that we pose and that our clients demand from us.
How do we do this? That’s the challenge, because working with natural products is different every day. Raw materials vary continually. That’s why our people, machines, and materials significantly impact the production process.
Colour, for example, is an import aspect for customers. Due to the many variables in the process, it can happen that the end result differs from the customer’s expectations. As a concrete technician, I have to be able to shift gears quickly and optimise the process for the best result”.
Wilbert adds; “What impresses me as an outsider is that something you make today is the same tomorrow and the next day. Consistent quality. And you see that if a project takes a year, the result is the same in the summer and in the winter! Make no mistake, that temperature plays an important role in the ultimate architectural result”.
“It is indeed our job to manage this every day and to make sure that the end product is identical to that of the previous day”, says Wim.
“You keep setting the bar higher, so you can provide the customer with the requested element and together achieve the perfect end product. I also find this very important. Of course, I work with many suppliers who I’m in touch with regularly, and together we’re responsible for the best end result in the chain. From raw material to end product.
Actually, everything has to go perfectly, like clockwork. And if you have that under control, you can also ensure fewer risks during processing.
One always looks at the concrete end product, and then might say it’s not as desired. But where is the problem? Perhaps in the raw material, or perhaps a malfunctioning machine. And of course, people can also make mistakes”, according to Jack.
“I always say; you have a train and if you remove one of the wagons, the train will stop. Cooperation is really an overall picture”. – Wilbert
Label-free products
Wilbert says, You always used oils made by Ecoratio, and for more challenging projects we sometimes get together to draw up a plan of action so the customer achieves the optimal concrete result. Why does Geelen Beton use our plant-based (label-free) concrete release agent”?
“It’s not only good for the environment. We want to protect the people in our factory against hazardous chemicals, but it ultimately also leads to a higher quality concrete result.
Jack continues, “when we started working with vegetable oils, I noticed that it affected the colouration of the concrete. I contacted Ecoratio, and we together examined the composition of the raw materials and how this affects the oil. Through extensive testing in our lab, we discovered that we could achieve the desired result by using a different colouring agent.
I’m very happy with this support from Ecoratio, because I ultimately also want to be unburdened. In this chain, we cooperate intensively to achieve the end goal: beautiful elements”.
“In my opinion, the formwork removal oil is, certainly for dark colours, responsible for about 80% to 85% of the end result.” – Jack
Joint projects
Blerick and the rondweg
“For the Blerick (renovation of apartments) we had a project with a lot of air bubbles in the concrete, especially in the privacy screens on the balconies of the apartments where you can see the concrete on both sides.
Air bubbles quickly occur on both sides due to the considerable pour height. Ecoratio worked with us to understand how to reduce air bubbles for the project.
When studying the best solution, the formwork removal oil played a big role, and you investigated further than just the substance. The use of an additive prevented the formation of air bubbles in the elements.
Thanks to the perfect result, we did not only renovate apartment 1, but also 2, 3 and 4. A great partnership with Ecoratio”, concludes Wim.
Mooder maas Ooijen-Wanssum
“Another example is a more recent project,” says Wim. The ring road around the village of Wanssum. Due to area development, the Maas was brought back here because of high water. The construction of a new ring road was part of this extensive project.
We were asked to produce 1,000 elements for bridgeheads with the appearance of a rolling landscape. The architect wanted to incorporate boulders into these visible elements, which had to remain recognisable (washed-out concrete). We examined this issue together. We opted to apply a retarder paste to the moulds with a certain wash-out depth.
But what was the most efficient way to apply this retarder paste for this large project? Ecoratio was a great help in this. Together we came up with a spray system which was able to apply the paste to the mould in one go.
Looking further than…
“You have an excellent ability to think with us, to advise us and to keep a close eye on new developments,” says Wim. “You don’t only supply the product, but follow the process from A to Z and you want to know what the end result is. I think Ecoratio is the frontrunner in this”.
Wilbert adds. “Sometimes projects are fun to be part of from the start and this was one of them! I loved it!”
Wilbert continues; “our strength is that we’re essentially welcome at any factory. We can always step in to help where needed or give advice. This makes life easier for everyone. In short, this is our strength.