Classification Concrete Release Agents

With the huge choice of different types of concrete release agents, for both the construction site and precast concrete industry. A classification system was developed in 1998. With the enormous diversity and potential impact on health and the environment, it became increasingly important to choose environmentally friendly alternatives.


Classification system

This classification system was created by the Beton Losmiddel Fabrikanten (BLF) foundation in cooperation with Chemiewinkel UvA, Stichting Arbouw, the Ministry of VROM and the Concrete Association. It uses GHS symbols and H-/EUH-phrases to indicate how harmful a product may be In 2018, the system was updated to the then current laws and regulations. The system helps companies choose products that minimize risk to both humans and the environment.


How it works

For the classification of concrete release agents, criteria have been established that indicate the health and environmental impact. These criteria range from class 1 (most human and environmentally friendly) to class 7 (most harmful to health and environment). The classes help companies choose products that pose the least risk to humans and the environment.

BLF selectie webpage


Suppliers of concrete release agents feel responsible for health and safety and environmental care. By offering health and safety and environmentally friendly concrete release agents, they can greatly reduce the chance of adverse effects. The BLF Foundation encourages the use of the lowest possible class.

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