
Asphalt road construction

There is still much to be gained in asphalt road construction and repair. We offer specialized plant-based release agents far superior to traditional options, providing safer working conditions.


Proper care

Due to the adhesive properties of bitumen, keeping asphalt tools and machinery clean can be a significant challenge. Our protector makes this task less intensive for your employees and reduces the frequency and duration of cleaning needed.

Anti adhesive

Protection formula

Our anti-adhesive agents for machines prevent asphalt from sticking to anything that is not part of the road. Applying this anti-adhesive formula will enhance the deplorability of everything from heavy machinery to hand tools.
Tire roller
Tire roller

The tire roller

For this heavyweight in the asphalt industry we have developed a water-based release agent that protects the health of your workers and extends the lifespan of your most valuable machines, while ensuring uniform compaction and durable surfaces.
Asphalt Before Asphalt After
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Premium solutions for today and tomorrow.